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Created by admin. Last edited by admin, 15 years and 343 days ago. Viewed 2,147 times. #3
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imagem.jpg (5626)

Regras de Formatação de Texto

O SnipSnap permite a formatação do texto de forma rápida e simples. Poderão encontrar uma ajuda rápida sempre que editarem alguma página, clicando em baixo, à direita, em "Help".

Permite também que a cada artigo ou "snip" sejam adicionados ficheiros em anexo, utilizando a opção "add file" no canto superior direito.

Além disso existem macros que permitem uma formatação mais avançada de conteudos, como links, tabelas, código ou outras.

Criação de novos artigos ou páginas.

Para se criar um novo artigo basta editar uma qualquer página já existente e adicionar um título dentro de parêntises rectos: [Novo Artigo]. Quando se grava passa a aparecer uma opção "create Novo Artigo". Ao clicar-se aí aparece entao a janela de introdução de conteúdos.


Existem dois tipos de links. Um link para alguma página dentro do KartingPT é colocado pondo o nome da página dentro de parêntises rectos: [Calendário] aparece como Calendário.

Um link para o exterior pode ser inserido escrevendo apenas o endereço http://www.kartingpt.net/ que aparece no artigo como >>http://www.kartingpt.net , ou então utilizando a macro "link" da seguinte forma:

{link:KartingPT|http://www.kartingpt.net} que aparece como >>KartingPt


Para se construir uma tabela utiliza-se a macro "table". O código:

entrada 1 | entrada 2
entrada 3 | entrada 4

aparecerá como:

entrada 1entrada 2
entrada 3entrada 4


Para inserir uma imagem tem de se utilizar a macro "image" como no exemplo seguinte:

{image:img=imagem.jpg|alt=texto alternativo|link=http://www.kartingpt.net|align=float-right}

texto alternativo

para este exemplo funcionar deve primeiramente ter-se anexado o ficheiro "imagem.jpg" ao artigo onde se queira mostrar a imagem. Alternativamente poderia ter-se dado o endereço completo da imagem na web: img=http://www.123.com/imagem.jpg/


A macro collapsingBlock permite esconder um pedaço de texto debaixo de um link:

{collapsingBlock:title=Aqui há texto escondido}
Texto escondido

mais texto escondido

aparecerá como:

Aqui há texto escondido
Texto escondido

mais texto escondido

Filtros de texto

1 Título título de tipo 1 (título maior)
1.1 Título título de tipo 1.1 (título menor)
- texto lista de itens (cada linha adiciona um item)
* texto outra lista de itens (cada linha adiciona um item)
1. texto lista enumerada
a. texto lista enumerada alfabeticamente
A. texto lista enumerada alfabeticamente com maiúsculas
i. texto lista enumerada em romano
I. texto lista enumerada em romano maiúsculo
g. texto lista enumerada em grego
h. texto lista enumerada em japonês (hiragana)
k. texto lista enumerada em japonês (katakana)
j. texto lista enumerada em hebreu
__negrito__negritotexto em negrito
~~itálico~~itálicotexto em itálico
--rasurado--rasuradotexto rasurado
(linha vazia) produz um novo parágrafo
\\ produz uma quebra de linha (utilizar moderadamente)
[start]startlink interno para outro documento (ex. start)
http://snipsnap.org/>>http://snipsnap.org/cria um link para um recurso externo
\XXpermite utilizar o caracter especial X (i.e. {)

Macros Disponíveis

anchor1: anchor text
Places a HTML anchor tag in the snip.
api1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Java131
2: mode, e.g. Java12, Ruby, defaults to Java" (optional)
Generates links to Java or Ruby API documentation.
api-docsNo Parameters.Displays a list of known online API documentations and mappings.
asin1: ASIN number of the DVD or CD
Generates links to DVD/CD dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/asinservices.txt.
backlinksRenders a list of backlinks for the snip.
Renders a list of backlinks for the snip.
calendarNo Parameters.Displays a monthly calendar view with links to postings.
code1: syntax highlighter to use, defaults to java (optional)
Displays a chunk of code with syntax highlighting, for example Java, XML and SQL. The none type will do nothing and is useful for unknown code types.
collapsingBlocktitle: title for the block
visible: if the block stats visible (optional)
Macro based on javascript that allows you to hide and show a block of text
field1: name of the input field
2: initial value of the input field (optional)
3: target of the link (optional)
4: button text (creates a button) (optional)
Display a form input field and submit button.
file-path1: a Windows or UNIX file path
Displays a file system path. The file path should use slashes. Defaults to Windows.
graph1: Graph-Type (horizontal, vertical, mindmap, explorer, uml)
Render a graph like an organigram or mindmap.
hello1: name to print
Say hello example macro.
imageimg: URL (must have external images enabled) oder name des attachments
alt: alternative text (optional)
ext: extension of the image, if omitted in "img" (optional)
align: alignment of the image (left, right, flow-left, flow-right) (optional)
target: links image to the target (optional)
Displays an image file.
image-containerNo Parameters.Puts floating images into a div container
index1: Lister to render snips (optional)
Displays a list of all snips of the system. Comment snips are filtered out.
inter-wikiNo Parameters.Displays a list of known InterWiki mappings.
isbn1: ISBN number of a book or magazine
Generates links to book dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/bookservices.txt.
label-searchtype: Lister to render found snips (AtoZ, Vertical, Simple)
name: Name of a Label to search for
value: Value of the label too look for
Show all snips that have a certain label.
last-login1: login name
Show the last login of the user.
last-visit1: login name
Show the last login of the user.
latestPostsname: the weblog snipname. Defaults to start (optional)
number: the number os posts to display. Defaults to 10 (optional)
Display the title with link for posts of a weblog
layout-divclass: CSS class name (optional)
id: CSS id (optional)
Creates a div container around its contents.
link1: The text to appear as a link (optional)
2: The URL to generate a hyperlink to
3: none if the external link image should not appear (optional)
Generate a weblink.
list-of-macrosNo Parameters.Displays a list of available macros.
list-of-users1: type of listing (Vertical, AtoZ) (optional)
2: "nosize" ignores size of list (optional)
Display a list of all users.
loginsDisplays all currently logged in users and guests.
Displays all currently logged in users and guests.
mailto1: an Email address
Displays an email address.
navigationmenuorientation: Orientation (horizontal, vertical) (optional)
title: Menu title (optional)
debug: true/false (optional)
Displays a navigation menu.
note1: the text of the footnote
Render a footnote.
online-timeNo Parameters.Displays the time since SnipSnap is online.
pullQuoteNo Parameters.
quote1: source text (optional)
2: displayed description (default is "Source") (optional)
Display quotations.
recent-changes1: number of snips to show, defaults to 10 (optional)
2: Lister to render users (Vertical, AtoZ ...) (optional)
Displays a list of recently changes snips.
recent-weblog1: Lister to render weblogs (optional)
2: number of weblogs to show, defaults to 10 (optional)
Shows a list of recently changed weblogs. Only works if weblogs ping your site.
rfc1: the RFC number to link to
Generates links to RFCs.
scaled-albumimg: Image name of attachment or in zip file (optional)
thumb: maximum size of inline image (optional)
size: maximum size of linked image, original for no scaling (optional)
alt: alternate text (optional)
float: none, left or right (default is left) (optional)
snip: name of snip where images are attached (optional)
zip: name of zip file attachment that contains images (optional)
range: all, or range in the form n-m, optionally repeated with commas (examples: 1-3 or 2-5,6-7) (optional)
caption: text displayed under image(s), auto, or use the macro body as caption (optional)
target: name of window to display image in, display in current window if not defined (optional)
Displays one or more scaled images packaged in a zip file.
scaled-imageimg: Image name of attachment or in zip file (optional)
thumb: maximum size of inline image (optional)
size: maximum size of linked image, original for no scaling (optional)
alt: alternate text (optional)
float: none, left or right (default is left) (optional)
snip: name of snip where images are attached (optional)
zip: name of zip file attachment that contains images (optional)
range: all, or range in the form n-m, optionally repeated with commas (examples: 1-3 or 2-5,6-7) (optional)
caption: text displayed under image(s), auto, or use the macro body as caption (optional)
target: name of window to display image in, display in current window if not defined (optional)
Displays one or more scaled images packaged in a zip file.
scaled-image-settingsthumb: maximum size of inline image (optional)
size: maximum size of linked image, original for no scaling (optional)
alt: alternate text (optional)
float: float direction (optional)
snip: name of snip where images are attached (optional)
zip: name of zip file attachment that contains images (optional)
target: name of window to display image in, display in current window if not defined (optional)
debug: debugging true/false (optional)
Macro for setting options for ScaledImageMacro.
search1: search term to look up
2: number of hits to show, defaults to 10 (optional)
Search for snips containing the phrase or term specified.
since-last-visit1: login name
2: Lister to render snips (Vertical, AtoZ) (optional)
Show all snips that have been changed since the last visit of the user.
snip-countNo Parameters.Display the number of snips.
snip-count-by-user1: a login name
Display the number of snips an user wrote.
snip-fragmentsnip: name of snip (optional)
Extracts a summary of snip
snip-tree1: the namespace to start with
Displays a tree view of a name space.
snip-xref1: snip that is referenced
2: number of hits to show, defaults to 10 (optional)
Search for snips linking to the given snip.
sniplinks1: the width of the sniplink table (optional)
Renders a table of sniplinks for the snip.
snips-by-hotness1: number of snips to show, defaults to 10 (optional)
Displays a list of snips sorted by their "hotness" (view count).
snips-by-user1: a login name
Show all snips created by a specified user.
tableNo Parameters.Displays a table.
timeLine1: year (>1900, if the year= qualified param is used, this can be ommitted)
2: type= (all or weblog)
3: weblogsnip= ( list all weblog entries of the weblog snip specified here)
Display the SnipSpace entries in a timeline. Parameter are year, type (all or weblog) and weblogsnip (snip name)
user-countNo Parameters.Display the number of users.
versionNo Parameters.Display the SnipSnap version number.
weblogcount: amount of posts to show (optional)
snip: the actual weblog snip (optional)
numberOfParagraphs: number of paragraphs before cutting the post and put a Read More link. (optional)
Renders the sub-snips from the namespace as a weblog.
xref1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Nanning"
2: line number (optional)
Generates links to Java Xref source code.
youtubeid: youtube video identification
align: css class for alignment (optional)
Macro to embed a youtube video on snipsnap
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Utilize a Ajuda e o Guia para saber como editar ou inserir conteúdo.

snipsnap.org | Copyright 2000-2002 Matthias L. Jugel and Stephan J. Schmidt