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start > SnipSnap > themes > softTheme > css > general.css


Created by admin. Last edited by admin, 16 years and 182 days ago. Viewed 437 times. #8
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 * General Stylesheet definitions.
 * @author Matthias L. Jugel
 * @version $Id: SnipSnap-Theme.snip 1606 2004-05-17 10:56:18Z leo $

.error {
color : #ff0000;
font-weight : bold;
background-color : inherit;
.error-position {
background-color : #ffaaaa;
color : inherit;
.inactive {
color : #000000;
background-color : inherit;
a {
color : #000000;
background-color : inherit;
text-decoration : none;
font-weight : 400;
a:link {
color : #F0BD69;   /* #FF7400;*/
background-color : inherit;

a:visited {
color : #e3cf6e;
background-color : inherit;
a:hover {
color : #FAF06D;
background-color : inherit;
table {
empty-cells : show;
font-size : 100%;
border-collapse : separate;
input[type="submit"] {
color : #000000;
background-color : #eeeeee;
font-family : inherit;
input, select, textarea {
line-height : inherit;
border : 1px dashed #999999;
color: #000000;
font-size : inherit;
font-family : courier, courier new, monospaced;
textarea {
width : 100%;
overflow : auto;
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